Mission and Vision

欢迎来到多元化、公平和包容办公室. 我们带头塑造承认多样性的大学文化, equity, 将包容作为我们使命的基本支柱,并不断追求卓越. 我们对教育公平的承诺促使我们培养一个充满活力的学习和工作环境,拥抱和支持每一位成员.

与整个大学的利益相关者密切合作, 我们优先考虑体现意识的政策和决策, and responsiveness to, the ways socio-cultural forces related to race, gender, ability, sexuality, 社会经济地位阻碍或推动了学生, faculty and staff. Together, 我们正在建设一所能反映我们丰富的集体经验和观点的大学.


Black Graduation
A National Model for DEI

During this pivotal time in higher education, 校长克里斯托弗·卡拉汉正在引导博彩平台网址大全成为反种族主义的模范大学和多元化的全国领导者, equity and inclusion in higher education.

Students celebrate HOLI

Policies Put in Motion

2020年,校董会通过了《博彩平台网址大全排名》, 表明他们致力于打击系统性种族主义, 随后是卡拉汉校长的DEI行动计划,要求为DEI设立一位新的副校长.

Policy Statement on Social Justice
President Callahan's DEI Action Plan
Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi


Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi于2021年7月加入太平洋,担任首任多元化副总裁, equity and inclusion. 她是全国公认的思想领袖和种族问题博彩平台网址大全排名, equity, leadership, and diversity in higher education.

VP for DEI receives national leadership award
Board of Regents DEI Priorities

2022年,校董会确认了DEI与太平洋使命一致的优先事项. 这些优先事项分布在各委员会之间,并分配了具体的监督责任.

Students at Commencement
Group of students outside the DUC
Minority-Serving Institution


DEI on our three campuses

Pacific's three campuses foster a vibrant, 支持和欢迎的社区,庆祝我们的学生团体和社区的多样性的许多定义.

CII Students


On the Stockton Campus, 身份与包容中心(CII)是埃尔森特罗的所在地, Native American Student Services, Black Student Services, Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi Student Services, LGBTQ+ Resource Center and the Lactation Lounge. CII空间为住在校内和校外的学生提供了一个家外之家.

Benerd College
Center for Identity and Inclusion
Conservatory of Music
School of Engineering and Computer Science
University Libraries
Sacramento Students DEI


萨克拉门托校园包容和多样性中心(CID)是位于学生中心楼上的一个临时空间. 该中心向所有学生开放,并由同伴志愿者组成.

McGeorge School of Law
San Francisco Pride Parade

San Francisco

The San Francisco Campus, home to the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, values inclusiveness in learning, patient care, curricular and co-curricular programming, campus climate, recruitment, admissions, hiring and retention.

Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry
DEI Leads


Students at Pacific Friday
Student Centered DEI


学生生活部努力工作,以确保所有太平洋的学生茁壮成长和成功. 我们承诺创造包容的生活和社交空间,并提供周到的服务, informed support and guidance to all students.

Learn More About
Center for Identity and Inclusion

The Center for Identity and Inclusion, located in the McCaffrey Center, 致力于为大学社区的所有成员提供有影响力的教育机会, 促进文化间对话,促进认同发展.

Students in the Center for Identity and Inclusion
DEI Framework Pyramid; equity; pedagogy, people, programs; and funding
DEI Framework of Excellence

博彩平台网址大全DEI卓越框架是DEI在高等教育中的制度蓝图. Designed by Vice President Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi, 这一变革框架旨在将DEI整合到博彩平台网址大全和运营的各个方面.

VP for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi

Dr. Mary J. Lomax-Ghirarduzzi是负责多元化的首任副总裁, 公平与包容,博彩平台网址大全首席多元化官. Lomax-Ghirarduzzi在DEI领导方面有着非凡的记录,是高等教育多样性方面的全国领先声音, equity and inclusion issues.

Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi
Events Blocks
10 Sep
12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
18 Sep
04:30 pm - 05:30 pm

Meet the Team

当我们考虑如何最好地支持我们的美国原住民学生和社区成员,并承认这片土地上的原始居民, 美国原住民和太平洋原住民将指导这一关键努力.

Our work is to humbly begin to understand what a model 土地承认需要,并建立一个美洲原住民学生的成功和文化倡议.

这项修复工作不仅仅是对土地的承认,必须谨慎处理. 如果您有任何问题,请联系多元化、公平和包容办公室,电话: dei@al-bo7.com.

Commitment to Equity

博彩平台网址大全致力于培养一个多元化和相互尊重的校园社区. Embracing the richness of our diversity, 我们庆祝差异,并努力在我们的博彩平台网址大全创造一个无障碍和包容的环境.